Thursday, February 20, 2014



An interesting read!  Did you know some of our favorite "Mexican" foods aren't really from Mexico???  I think this is so fascinante!

This weekend's assignments

Hello, Ms Shannon's super-estrellas!

We are headed to the weekend, so OF COURSE we have a new Google Voice assignment!  

The scenario:
  • There is a new student in your school from Spain.  You would like to invite her to spend the day with you Saturday. 
  • But, when you call her cell phone it goes straight to voicemail.  
  • Leave her a message inviting her to do two activities with you. Be sure to tell her where you want to go, when and who else will be there.

Google Voice: 901-300-6836

This is in addition to our Socrative quiz!  It is open until Sunday (Feb 23) for EXTRA CREDIT!  
Next week, we will have a for credit quiz, so don't forget to check back with Socrative on Sunday or Monday!!!

Below is the Power Point presentation including all of our class notes for this week via

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 information

Hola, chicos!

Below is the information for our extra credit and for-credit quizzes through the website/app Socrative.

Go to:

This is the screen you will see:

The room number is: 775028

Remember, Question 1 is always enter your name (last name, first name)

This week's quiz is for EXTRA CREDIT!  What a great opportunity for some bonus points!  This quiz will be available until this Sunday, Feb 23.

The next quiz will be FOR CREDIT!!  This means you are required to complete it.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

-Srta Shannon

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Notes for Flash Cards

Hola chicos,

Here is a link to our notes so far this week.  Tomorrow is Wednesday, and we will be using this vocabulary to construct conversations in pairs.  Please know this vocabulary!  If you missed any terms in class this week, you can find them below.

Quieres ir conmigo - Week 1