Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Welcome to Spanish I at Cordova High School.  My name is Señoitra Brooke Shannon, and I'm looking forward to working with you this year!  Whether you are a student, parent, or guardian, this blog is for you.  We will be posting projects, photos, class work, and other fun things as we learn and develop as hispanohablantes.

Esta clase de español will focus on communication through speaking, listening writing, and reading. We will be working together to form the basic fundamentals of the language. For students, this page will be a great resource for class announcements, class work, and to be kept up to date with projects. For parents and guardians, this site will be a great way to communicate with the teacher and to keep track of your student's performance.

Please call me at 901-300-6836 with any questions!

Thank you, and again, ¡bienvenidos!

Señorita Brooke Shannon

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