Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Contact information, syllabus, and Google Voice!

Welcome to the new year at Cordova High School!  Vamos, los Lobos!  (Go Wolves!)

I am so excited to be teaching Spanish I again this year at CHS.  Now that we have a few days of introduction under our belts, we are rearin' to go!  We will begin with academic instruction on Monday, 8/12.  All of our classes have been wonderful, so I believe our eruditos are ready to take on the mundo hispano.

Parents and Guardians: here is a friendly reminder of my contact information.  Please let me know if you need anything throughout the year from me, and I will do the same.

SCS Email:  shannonb@scsk12.org
School Phone:  901-416-4540
Google Voice: 901-300-6836 ***Note:  I have already received the first Google Voice message!  Gracias al erudito Señor Hayes!  It was great to hear from you!  Keep 'em comin, chicos!***

Thanks all, let's have an excellent year!  Vamos!

-Srta. Shannon

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