Friday, March 21, 2014

Paraguay group turns garbage into sweet melodies

ASUNCION: Parents all over the world often complain about their children's music being garbage.
For one group of poor kids in Paraguay, however, who have found international fame by forming an orchestra which uses instruments built from trash, it is quite literally true.
The Orchestra of Recycled Instruments of Cateura will mark another notable chapter in their history this week when they will be the opening act for US heavy metal band Metallica on a six-nation South American tour.

“It was a surprise for us,” said orchestra director Favio Chavez.
“We were not expecting that such a famous rock band would show interest in having us as the opening act for their concerts.”

The orchestra is made up of 40 teenage boys and girls born and raised near Cateura, the main garbage dump serving Paraguay's capital Asuncion.
Their violins, flutes, saxophones, and other instruments are assembled from bits and pieces of detritus scavenged from the dump.

The kids are based in a modest school in a shanty town called “Southern Bath of the Paraguay River,” a slum that gets its name from the river's constant flooding.
The town has a population of some 25,000, but since it is a squatter settlement and has no official recognition, there is no government investment -- no electricity, no paved roads, no drinking water.
Paraguay is one of the poorest countries in the Western hemisphere.
Forty percent of its 6.7 million inhabitants live below the poverty line, and of those half live in extreme poverty, according to government figures.

The orchestra was organized in 2006 by Chavez, who came to the area as the garbage dump's environmental technician.
His current task is to train the 22 youths chosen to open for Metallica, and prepare the 18 others that will travel either as substitutes or support personnel.

It all started when Chavez, who plays the guitar, brought his group from his hometown of Carapegua, located 90 kilometers (55 miles) southeast of Asuncion, to the school for daily meetings with the garbage scavengers.
“Many of the children had never seen an instrument or experienced music up close,” he said.
Since then they built guitars from large cans, and “cellos and saxophones made from the remains of oil cans and used wood,” said Thomas Lecourt, a French instrument maker from Strasbourg who has been helping the group for the past two years.
“Nobody charges anyone a cent,” Lecourt said.

Andres Riveros, 17, says that he is enamored with his junkyard saxophone.
“This is proof that it is possible to get ahead despite adversities,” he said.
His instrument is made from a rooftop rain drainage pipe, with keys fashioned from bits cut from cans and local coins.

Ada Rios, 15, is a violin player.
The top of her instrument is part of an old paint can, while the body is an aluminum tray once used to bake bread.
A fork holds down the chords, and the neck is fashioned from scavenged wooden crate parts. The only thing new are the chords.

Chavez says that many people, especially foreigners, have offered to buy the unique instruments. Instead, “we give the instruments away to people who have a lot of meaning to us,” he said.
One lucky person was Queen Sofia of Spain.
“She has a violin,” said Chavez.

Paraguay group turns garbage into music


  1. I like this article because it was about music. . I can relate to the students in this article because I love music. I listen to music everyday. It amazes me that some people can take something negative and turn it into a positive. I think using instruments built from trash is a brilliant idea. Even though Paraguay is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, the students found a way to find happiness in their community. Under the guidance of Chavez, they are sure to be a success. I agree with the student, that said, "It is possible to get ahead despite adversities." I wish everyone believed that statement. I certainly do.

  2. Garbage instruments? What creativity! What I like about this is that they tell the bands background...they lived in a garbage dump. Even though they lived in an unfavorable place, they turned their situation that could have restricted them from a plethora of opportunities and used it to creAte something positive and beneficial. Most people today don't live in garbage dumps however we all have a negative thing or situation about us. Many people just complain but those people who dare to use it to their advantage (like these people) will rise to greatness

  3. i really enjoy this article because it was about music my favorite thing.i can really relate to the students in this article because i am a music person. to see people take something that is so awful and turn it into something so bright. i like the way they used trash to make music because they were so poor to get real instruments they made there own music out of garbage now tht is so cool! like forreal! the children found there joy in music and in there community.

  4. I really enjoyed this article because it involved music. I find this very interesting that they were able to form an orchestra using junk and garbage, and not only that but to live in an area that is really poor and to turn it into a fun experience by creating an orchestra band.

    -Natalie Wilson
    6th Period

  5. This article really appealed to me because of the unique instruments made by the students and teacher. Its astonishing how something useless found in a garbage dump could become something so meaningful. their success was earned and hopefully they're an inspiration throughout the world.

    - Destanie Edwards
    2nd period

  6. - Jeralin Banyon 7th period I think that that is really cool how those kids listen to music using garbage instruments. That's where real music comes from anyway. It shows that you can get nothing and turn it into smething.

  7. i liked this article because i like to read anything talkes about music and instruments.this is interesting to read ,,,! music is a unique thing and not everybody can success in this thing ,
    hana abdelraouf . 2nd period

  8. I Enjoyed This Article Because It Was About Music Which I Love. I Really Think Music shouldn't be garbage epically not children music I feel that there killing dreams

  9. I liked this article. I think it could give people hope and maybe confidence. I also think music is a beautiful thing. I think if they keep doing what they are doing something big will happen for them.

  10. This article is inspiring to me. These kids had almost nothing to build their instruments with, but they still pulled it off. It amazes me how creative some people can be. Not everyone can make instruments out of garbage.The determination and hard work these guys have put in has really paid off for them, in the end. This article is mainly about how these kids dreams have really come true.

    -Nicholas Schreiner
    6th period

  11. I Found This Very Inspiring Because Teachers & Students Got Together & Made Instruments Out Of Garbage For Good Melodies For The Children . The was Real Hard Work & Dedication But Dreams Did Come True

  12. I'm happy that the article was about something I love which is music . It moved me because children were getting a chance to learn something new and creative . It is something they can take with them for the rest of their lives . Although I found this very creative , I feel as though they could've found something better than trash , but at the same time I understand it may be all they have .
    I'm glad they can have something fun and productive to do to take their minds off their struggles .
    - Sai 5th Period
