Friday, October 18, 2013

Project - Weather Report

Hola chicos, 

Here are the directions for our first Quarter 2 project, in case you need some weekend help.

Part I:  El arte

  • Draw/color your 3-day weather report for the 3 days you will be visiting the Spanish-speaking world.
  • Write the 3 days of the week in the blanks below the pictures.
  • Write the city and country you are visiting.

Part II: El reporte del tiempo
  • In the cloud below, write the weather report in complete Spanish sentences
  • For each day in the weather report, write 2 weather vocabulary words and tell how many degrees it is there (temperature).

Part III: Los Compas de clase
  • Choose 3 friends to "interview".  *(Note: it is fine to make this part up!)
  • In the blank, write the name of your classmate.
  • In the space next to the blank, write a sentence where they describe to you which season and weather they like / prefer.  
  • The sentence structure for this part is:  Prefiero    (season)   porque me gusta   (weather)  .

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