Thursday, January 30, 2014

La casa: vocab list and project info

Hola chicos!  We are aaaaaaaaaaalmost to the weekend!  Yay!

Before we get to relax though ... we have an in-class assignment tomorrow.  This assignment reflects the hard work we have been doing this week on la casa.


     Project 1: El plan de casa

Visual project – On sheet of copy paper, draw house floor plan with all rooms labeled in Spanish.  For 3 rooms, visually represent it with color and 3 muebles in each of the 3 rooms.
Written project - Write 3 sentences describing the 3 rooms you chose to decorate.
Google Voice - Call our Google Voice number (901-300-6836), leaving your description of the house.  Tell me how many floors the house has, how many rooms there are, and describe the 3 rooms you decorated with muebles. 

The vocabulary list for la casa:

el cuarto, la sala, el comedor, las escaleras, el patio, la cocina, la habitación/el dormitorio, primer piso, segundo piso, el apartamento, el garaje, el jardín, el baño, el sótano, el teatro, el armario, el pasillo, el estudio, la terraza, la ducha

los muebles, la cama, el sofá, la silla, la estufa y el horno, la tele, la lámpara, la mesa, el chimenea, el escritorio, el congelador, el librero, la mesilla, el refrigerador, las mantas, el árbol y la flor, el coche y el carro

rojo/a, rosado/a, morado/a, anaranjado/a, amarillo/a, verde, azul, gris, marron, cafe, blanco/a, negro/a

nuevo/a, antiguo/a, limpio/a, sucio/a, grande, pequeno/a, espacioso/a, atrepado/a, hermoso/a, feo/a

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tonight's homework


Don't forget about our homework tonight!!!  It will be due tomorrow at the beginning of class.  

Feel free to write it on a half-sheet of paper as it is a short assignment.

  • p. 64, part 2 (1-6).  For the 6 pictures, write the room and ONE thing that goes in it
  • p. 65, part 4 (1-5).  Answer the 5 questions in complete Spanish sentences.  (*Note: the word balcon is used, which is a synonym for la terraza or balcony.*)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Spanish Fun :)


A cool clip from NBC's Community that uses Spanish skills in a very creative, useful way!  Bonus points to these two chicos!

Community Rap

Friday, January 24, 2014

El Proyecto: Mi árbol genealógico


This weekend we have a project to work on!  It is called "Mi árbol genealógico," or "My family tree".  We have so much to discover about our own families!  Your job is to trace back your own family tree back through your great-grandparents like!

Your project has 2 parts to it: a visual and written element.

El proyecto escrito:
Name, family member title (grandmother, mom, sister, etc.)
Pick 3 of your family members to write 3 sentences each about.
Tell:  What how old they are, where they are from, and 2 sentences describing them and their likes/dislikes. 
Write this info underneath their name and family member title on the family tree.
El proyecto visual:
Sketch out your own family tree!  Design a family tree (in a tree, if you wish!) that is creative, artistic, and fun!
At least 1 great-grandparent
4 grandparents, 1 great-aunt/great-uncle
2 parents
Step parents / step or half brothers or sisters (if applicable)
All aunts and uncles (3 maximum), all first cousins (3 maximum)
All brothers and sisters (maximum), all nephews / nieces (3 maximum)
All brothers and sisters – in law

The Royal family of Spain

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Extra Credit for Quarter 3

Hola a todos, 

Please keep in mind that extra credit so far for Quarter 3 is as follows: 

1. Flash Cards!!  Make flash cards for all new vocabulary words from Unit 5 so far (family members and animals/pets).  They should be Spanish/English on each side.  We will have AT LEAST 2 quizzes and 1 exam on this topic so PLEASE make your flash cards!!

~ Chicos, one of your brilliant colleagues made online flashcards for your use!  If you are unable to make hard copies, please utilize this resource.  It's great!  Use it to help you create your own set! ~

Check them out here: 

2. School Supplies!!  You may bring 2 maximum things from the list for 10 extra credit points.  This is a good boost!

  • #2 pencils (1 box)
  • Red pens (1 box)
  • Dry erase markers - black (1 box)
  • Dry erase markers - colors (1 box)
  • Markers - Crayola (1 box)
  • Tissues/Kleenex (1 box)
  • Hand sanitizer

Stay tuned for more extra credit as the year goes on!!!

El proyecto: En mi familia

Buenas tardes a todos,

Here are the instructions for our first project of the new semester!  It will be based on Carmen Lomas Garza's art from En mi familia / In my family, from which we read in class.

Visual Project:  Create a piece of art that expresses your family or cultureDraw, color, or make a collage that represents a family tradition! (Note: project can be on a blank sheet of paper - but please do not use lined paper!!)
Written Project: In 1-2 English sentences, explain how a artist expresses their culture or heritage through art.  Then, in 2-3 sentences, describe the picture you drewTell about your family tradition; describe who participates and how they are related to youWrite our vocabulary words for family members in Spanish!
Please keep in mind that we will be working on this tomorrow in class.  This project will be due at the end of class tomorrow.  If you would like to get a head start, feel free to start your written project.  
Here are some examples of Lomas Garza's work that we saw in class today.

Making Tamales / La Tamalada

The Weeping Woman / La Llorona
The Healer / La Curandera

Monday, January 13, 2014

Los miembros de la familia

Hola, chicos.  
Today was Day 1 of our new unit on la familia.  Listed below are the new vocabulary words discussed today, along with a visual of our family tree. 

If you need any help with vocabulario, I suggest using  
It is in my opinion the best online language dictionary available!

  • tía abuela
  • tío abuelo
  • los padres (los papás)
  • el padre (el papá) / la madre (la mamá)
  • los bisabuelos
  • el bisabuelo/la bisabuela
  • los suegros
  • la suegra/el suegro
  • los abuelos
  • el abuelo/la abuela
  • los padrastros
  • el padrastro/la madrastra
  • los tíos
  • el tío/la tía
  • el esposo/la esposa
  • los hijos
  • el hijo/la hija
  • los hermanos
  • el hermano/la hermana
  • el yerno
  • la nuera
  • los hermanastros
  • el hermanastro/la hermanastra
  • los nietos
  • el nieto/la nieta
  • los cuñados
  • el cuñado/ la cuñada
  • los bisnietos
  • el bisnieto/la bisnieta
  • los primos
  • el primo/la prima
  • menor
  • mayor

Friday, January 10, 2014

Homework - Grammarpalooza!!

Hola chicos!  

Here is the homework to be completed this weekend from the text book.  
Please make sure you complete the work because it will be due first thing Monday!  

It is great help for the verb practice we've done this week.  There are verb charts in the book in the pages preceding the assignments.  Please call or email if you have any questions over the weekend!

  • El verbo ser 
p. 36 sections10-12, p. 38 section 16
  • -AR verbs
p. 101 sections 1-2, p. 102 section 5
  • -ER/-IR verbs
p. 137 sections 2-3, p. 138 section 5

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bienvenidos al nuevo semestre!!

Welcome to the new semester, chicos!!  I am so excited to get started with our Spanish skills!

To get a good head start on our grades, I would like to offer some small extra credit assignments in the form of classroom supplies!!

You may bring 2 maximum things from the list for 10 extra credit points.  This is a homework grade of extra credit and a good boost!

  • #2 pencils (1 box)
  • Red pens (1 box)
  • Dry erase markers - black (1 box)
  • Dry erase markers - colors (1 box)
  • Markers - Crayola (1 box)
  • Tissues/Kleenex (1 box)
  • Hand sanitizer

I hope everyone had a nice break and very happy holidays!
-Srta. Shannon