Friday, January 24, 2014

El Proyecto: Mi árbol genealógico


This weekend we have a project to work on!  It is called "Mi árbol genealógico," or "My family tree".  We have so much to discover about our own families!  Your job is to trace back your own family tree back through your great-grandparents like!

Your project has 2 parts to it: a visual and written element.

El proyecto escrito:
Name, family member title (grandmother, mom, sister, etc.)
Pick 3 of your family members to write 3 sentences each about.
Tell:  What how old they are, where they are from, and 2 sentences describing them and their likes/dislikes. 
Write this info underneath their name and family member title on the family tree.
El proyecto visual:
Sketch out your own family tree!  Design a family tree (in a tree, if you wish!) that is creative, artistic, and fun!
At least 1 great-grandparent
4 grandparents, 1 great-aunt/great-uncle
2 parents
Step parents / step or half brothers or sisters (if applicable)
All aunts and uncles (3 maximum), all first cousins (3 maximum)
All brothers and sisters (maximum), all nephews / nieces (3 maximum)
All brothers and sisters – in law

The Royal family of Spain

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