Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Adjectives vocabulary

Hi chicos!

Here are the vocabulary lists for adjectives.  Our quiz on adjectives is tomorrow!!!

Physical characteristics:
handsome/attractive – guapo, pretty – bonito, ugly – feo,  short  - bajo, tall – alto, fat – gordo, skinny  - flaco, dark (hair, skin) – Moreno, ojos: marrones, azules, verdes – eyes, pelirrojo – redhead, rubio – blonde, pelo lacio – straight hair, pelo rizado – curly hair

simpático / simpática

antipático / antipática

cómico / cómica

gracioso / graciosa
serio / seria

estudioso / estudiosa

ambicioso / ambiciosa
talentoso / talentosa

tonto / absurdo

tonta / absurda
trabajador / trabajadora

perezoso / perezosa

buen amigo / buena amiga


reservado / reservada

atlético / atlética

atrevido / atrevida

artístico / artística




guapo / guapa

bonito / bonita
feo / fea

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Extra Credit Opportunity

Hola chicos!  Here is an extra credit opportunity for over the long  weekend.  

On Monday, you can bring in a maximum of 2 of the following things:

facial tissue
hand sanitizer

Each will earn you 10 pts of extra credit (or one homework grade), but remember two maximum!!

¡Gracias, chicos!  ¡Espero que tengan un buen fin de semana largo! 

Project - Facebook Profile (La perfil de Facebook)

¡Hola, chicos!  As we discussed in class, our second project of the quarter is here.  The Facebook profile project is worth 50 points and is due on Monday, September 23.

The directions are:

You may use the Facebook page template that was given to you in class, or you may use it as a resource to create your own, more creative profile.  Feel free to create your own FB profile on blank computer paper or a posterboard.

The sections of the Facebook page are:  

Informacion personal (Personal Information)

Nombre: Name
Cumpleaños: Birthday
Origen: Origin (Where you are from)
Escuela: Your school
Sobre yo: About me 
     - In this section, you will write 2 complete Spanish sentences.  Tell how old you are, and where you live.

Sobre Mis... (About my...)

Musicas favoritas: Favorite music.  List a few of your favorite musical genres or artists (English OK)
Peliculas favoritas: Favorite movies.  List a few of your favorite movies (English OK

Caracteristicas fisicas: Physical characteristics
     - For this section, write 3 complete sentences in Spanish telling about your appearance.  Each sentence will have 2 adjectives in it.
     - The first 2 sentences should begin with, "I am".  The third sentence will begin with, "I have".

Personalidad: Personality
     - For this section, you will write 3 more complete sentences in Spanish telling about your personality.  
     - Sentence 1: Tell about how you are.  Pick 3 adjectives that describe your personality.  Sentence should begin with, "I am."
     - Sentence 2: Tell about how you are NOT.  Pick 2 adjectives that describe the opposite of your personality.  Sentence should begin with, "No soy."
     - Sentence 3: Tell about how you are SOMETIMES.  Pick 1 adjective that describes how you are on occasion   Sentence should begin with, "A veces, yo soy."

El Muro: Wall

     - On your Facebook wall, 3 friends have commented your latest status!  You say, "¡Hola!  ¿De dónde eres?  ¿Cómo eres?  ¿Qué tomas a la escuela?"
     - In the boxes below your status, pick 3 friends to comment on your questions.  In the stamp-size boxes in the top left corner of those boxes, write their names.  Then, have them answer your questions.  
     - Each person will say where they are from, describe themselves, and say what classes they take at school.
     - Your 3 friends should all be from different places.  They should pick 2 different adjectives to describe themselves, and they should take different classes at school.  Please vary up your answers!!

If you have any questions throughout the weekend, please email me at: shannonb@scsk12.org.  Below, I have attached photos of my example from today in class.

PS: DON'T FORGET YOUR TEST CORRECTIONS!  Due Monday, corrections on different sheet of paper than your test :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nationality info - For your pen pal!

Hola chicos!  Here is some help for our Google Voice assignment for tomorrow's homework.

For Thursday's homework, you will leave a voicemail for your pen pal on our Google Voice hotline number. Our number is:  901-300-6836

Your voicemail, just like your postcard, must include:

oYour name!
oYour nationality!
oThree of your classes you take!
oWhat time of day you take the three classes!
oA greeting & a goodbye

This voicemail needs to be 100% in Spanish!  Please don't forget to leave your name as well as your period on the message so I will know whose is whose.

Thank you, chicos!


Below is our breakdown of nationalities of the Spanish-speaking world.  Please remember that the only form shown is singular masculine (one boy from the country).  If you are a feminine noun, or want to talk about more than one person, the endings will change accordingly :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Proyecto Uno: Un mes

Project 1: Un mes


Calendar - 
- Choose 1 month to display on your calendar.  Please choose a month in the 2013-2014 school year calendar.  For example, if you choose September - December, display the 2013 calendar, but January - August will be the 2014 calendar.
- Display needs to include: correct days of the week labeled, number the days of the month correctly.
- Display must have design, color.  The decorations on the month must be appropriate both for school and for the month. (Ex: snow for January, hearts for February, green for March, etc.)
- Choose no less than 3 holidays to display and label on your calendar.  Write holidays on the correct day in Spanish!  You can add birthdays for up to 2 of the 3 holidays on the month.  You must say whose birthday it is.

Sentences - 
You will turn in 7 sentences about the days of the month on your calendar.  Please write these sentences on another sheet of paper (not on your month display).

1. Hay _____ días en _______________.

For questions 2-4, choose 1 date on the month you have selected to use as hoy.  Then, tell which day hoy, mañana, and ayer are.
2. Hoy es ________, el ____ de _________.
3. Mañana es ____________, el _____ de _____________.
4. Ayer fue ___________, el _____ de ____________.

El ______ de ____________ es mi cumpleaños.
El ______ de ____________ es la navidad.
El ______ de ____________ es el día del trabajo.


Hispanic & Latino Holidays
Celebration Name
January 1
Cuban and Latin Americans
New Year’s Day/New Year’s Eve 
(El Año Nuevo)
January 6
The Day of the Three Kings (El Día de Los Reyes Magos)
February 14
Latin America
Valentine’s Day  (El Día del Amor y la Amistad, El Día de San Valentín)
February 27
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic Independence Day (El Día de la Independencia domincana)
March 21
Birthday of Benito Juárez
March 22
Puerto Rico
Emancipation Day
March 31
Mexico, United States
César Chávez Day
Latin America, Spain
La Semana Santa (Holy Week)
La Pascua (Easter)
April 30
Latin America
Children's Day  (El Día de los Niños)
May 1
Latin America
United States
Labor Day (El Día del Trabajo)
May 5
Mexico, United States
Cinco de Mayo
May 10
Mexico, Latin America
Mother's Day  (Día de Las Madres)
May 20
Cuban Independence Day (El Día de la Independencia cubana)
July 6-14
Pamplona, Spain
Los Sanfermines (San Fermín Festival) (Running of the Bulls)
July 28 and 29
Independence Day (El Día de la Independencia peruana)
September 15
El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
Independence Day (El Día de la Independencia de _____)
September 16
Mexican Independence Day (El Grito / El Día de la Independencia mexicana)
October 12
U.S., Latin America
Day of the Race / Columbus Day (El Día de la Raza)
November 2
Mexico, Central America
Day of the Dead  (El Día de los Muertos)
November 20
Revolution of 1910 Anniversary (El aniversario de la revolucion de 1910)
December 16-24
Mexico, Cuba, Latin America, and Spain
Las Posadas
December 24 and 25
Mexico, Cuba, Latin America, and Spain
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day  (La Nochebuena y La Navidad)

Other holidays…
Mardi Gras – Carnaval
17 de marzo – El Día de San Patricio
Father’s Day – El Día de los Padres
4 de Julio – El día de independencia (USA)
31 de octubre – La Noche de Brujas
Thanksgiving – El Día de acción de gracias
Hanukah – Jánuca
Ramadan - Ramadán
Kwanzaa – Kwanzaa

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

5.9.2013 - La tarea

¡Hola chicos!  Here is our homework for Thursday, September 5, 2013.  Read the email from your new penpal from Honduras.  She tells you about herself and the classes she is taking.  !!!Note!!! Do not stress about not knowing each and every word.  Please read through the short email, and recognize the cognates!  Each class name is a cognate (which means they look very similar to English words.)

Please answer questions 1-7 in complete Spanish sentences.  You have 2 options for turning this assignment in tomorrow.  You may 1.) send me an email (at shannonb@scsk12.org or brooke.shannon224@gmail.com) with the answers, or 2.) write the 7 answers on a sheet of paper and turn it in tomorrow at the beginning of class.

And remember:  NO GOOGLE TRANSLATE!!!



Hoy es lunes, el trece de septiembre.

¿Cómo estás?  Estoy muy bien.

Me llamo Cinthia Cruz.  Yo soy de Honduras.  Vivo en Tegucigalpa con mi familia.  Yo tengo quince años.  Yo soy estudiante a la Escuela de Honduras en Tegucigalpa.  Mi horario es: 

*Biología a las siete y media de la mañana
*Matemáticas a las nueve menos cuarto de la mañana
*Español a las diez en punto de la mañana
*Historia a la una y veinte de la tarde

¡Hasta luego!  ¡Chao!


Cuestiones para la tarea / Questions for homework:

1.  ¿De dónde es Cinthia?
2.  ¿Cuántos años tiene Cinthia?
3.  ¿Dónde vive Cinthia?

¿A qué hora es....
4.  la clase de matemáticas?
5.  la clase de biología?
6.  la clase de historia?
7.  la clase de español 

August Current Event 4: Guatemala


Guatemala fights chronic malnutrition

By Ezra Fieser for Infosurhoy.com

Half of children under age 5 in Central America’s most populous country suffer from chronic malnutrition, which causes severe health problems.
Health workers in rural Guatemala weigh a child, checking for signs of undernourishment. The Central American country has the highest rate of chronic malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, with half of children under age 5 affected. The government, for the first time, has launched a plan to fight malnutrition. (Ezra Fieser for Infosurhoy.com)
Health workers in rural Guatemala weigh a child, checking for signs of undernourishment. The Central American country has the highest rate of chronic malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, with half of children under age 5 affected. The government, for the first time, has launched a plan to fight malnutrition. (Ezra Fieser for Infosurhoy.com)

In Guatemala’s Western Highlands, where rolling mountains give way to majestic volcanic peaks and lush valleys, a health crisis looms.
Half of children under age 5 in Central America’s most populous country suffer from chronic malnutrition, which causes severe health problems.
“Critical!” said Peter Loach, the country director in Guatemala for Mercy Corps, an aid organization working on the issue.
Guatemala’s child malnutrition rate is the highest in Latin America and the Caribbean and fourth-highest in the world, ranking ahead of sub-Saharan African countries that have long come to symbolize hunger in the public psyche.
The problem worsens year after year, exacerbated by changing weather patterns, natural disasters and a growing population that cannot feed itself.
Now, the government, aid organizations and international institutions are fighting back.
A government program that started earlier this year, “Plan Zero Hunger,” aims to reduce the prevalence of chronic malnutrition in children under age 2 by 10%. It also wants to reduce the mortality rate from malnutrition for children under 5 during the next two years, said Julio Alexander Menchú Pérez, spokesperson for the Ministry of Social Development, one of several Guatemalan ministries involved in the program.
Loach called the plan “the strongest initiative by any Guatemalan administration in the last 50 years.”
What’s more, the government is focusing on young children and mothers, providing better access to health care in critical parts of their development. Health workers regularly visit rural communities, checking young children for signs of malnourishment and recommending them to nearby clinics for treatment if needed.
Pérez, however, said the goal is long-term change.
The plan calls for more investment in the rural economy, where hunger and malnutrition are concentrated, boosting food production through training and technical assistance and creating opportunities to break the poverty cycle.
“Extreme poverty and malnutrition are consequences of an undeveloped rural area,” Pérez Molina said in a prepared statement.
More than half of Guatemala’s 14.37 million residents live below the poverty line, and an estimated 13% live in extreme poverty. Poverty is worse in rural Guatemala, where access to services, like health care and education, also is limited.

August Current Event 3: Venezuela

Venezuelan Prez Blames Blackout on Opposition

About 70 percent of the country was without power

“Everything seems to indicate that the extreme right has resumed its plan for an electrical strike against the country,” Maduro wrote on Twitter. Opposition leader Henrique Capriles responded by saying the government was trying to distract the public from the country’s problems by fabricating a conspiracy theory, BBCreports.
The massive blackout lasted about three hours and also affected parts of the capital, Caracas. It disrupted the subway and disabled traffic lights in the city, causing chaos. While power was slowly being restored in different areas, thousands of workers were sent home. Government officials have previously said that high energy consumption and poor maintenance of transmission lines led to a high incidence of power outages in the country. But such blackouts rarely affect Caracas.
Link: http://world.time.com/2013/09/04/venezuelan-prez-blames-blackout-on-opposition/#ixzz2dyouOhUB

August Current Event 2: Spain

Madrid says economic crisis ending, can afford 2020 Games

Madrid's Mayor Ana Botella speaks during a news conference in Buenos Aires, on Madrid's candidacy for the 2020 summer Olympics, September 4, 2013. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci
BUENOS AIRES | Wed Sep 4, 2013 8:32pm EDT
(Reuters) - Madrid's Olympic bid team said on Wednesday that Spain's debilitating economic crisis is ending and the country will have no problem covering investments and rallying support at home to host the 2020 games.
Madrid hopes to convince the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that it is best suited to stage the most expensive sports event in the world, despite the thousands who have protested austerity measures in the capital city in recent years.
IOC members will vote for either Madrid, Istanbul or Tokyo on Saturday in Buenos Aires.
"The economic crisis is starting to get better," Madrid Mayor Ana Botella told reporters at a press conference on Wednesday, adding that 90 percent of the infrastructure needed to host the event is already in place.
"The amount we would have to invest over seven years is very small compared to the budget of the state, the autonomous community of Madrid and the city hall," she said.
Spain has been in and out of an economic recession since a property boom ended in 2008, but Spanish officials have taken a bullish tone in recent weeks as data suggest the country could be on the verge of a turnaround.
Madrid's current bid, its third in a row after failed attempts for the 2012 and 2016 editions, comes as Spaniards are struggling with slashed wages and benefits and an unemployment rate of around 25 percent.
But bid chief Alejandro Blanco said a recent poll conducted in August found 91 percent of Spaniards now support Madrid as Olympic host - up from 81 percent in a different poll in March.
"This shows that support in Spain for our candidacy is practically unanimous," said Blanco.

(Reporting by Mitra Taj; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

August Current Event 1: Argentina

Argentine couples sweep top honors at 2013 World Tango Competition in Buenos Aires

Argentine couples sweep top honours at 2013 World Tango Competition in Buenos Aires

Dancers Guido Palacios, right, and Florencia Castilla, from Argentina, perform to win the 2013 Tango Dance World Cup stage finals in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Argentine couples retained their dominance of the world's top tango dancing competition as the annual festival drew to a close.
Guido Palacios and Florencia Castilla, a couple in real life as well as on the dance floor, won the Stage Tango finals Tuesday with a score of 8.89 from a seven-member jury of dancers and choreographers.
Twenty couples from around the world competed in the Stage finals marking the end of the two-week festival.
But no one impressed the panel as much as the hometown couples who danced before a large crown in Buenos Aires' Luna Park stadium.
Argentine couples also came out on top in the Salon competition the night before.
The top winners received $7,000 dollars in cash and tickets to Paris, where they're expected to perform.

Link: http://www.theprovince.com/entertainment/Argentine+couples+sweep+honours+2013+World+Tango+Competition/8840854/story.html

Learn your numbers 1-100!

Hola chicos, 

Here is a helpful little game to practice your numbers, 1-100.  Just type the numbers you hear!

And another!  This is a multiple choice game that gives you the written word and 3 options for which number you see.  

I hope this helps!  

¡Buena suerte! 
-Srta. Shannon