Thursday, September 19, 2013

Project - Facebook Profile (La perfil de Facebook)

¡Hola, chicos!  As we discussed in class, our second project of the quarter is here.  The Facebook profile project is worth 50 points and is due on Monday, September 23.

The directions are:

You may use the Facebook page template that was given to you in class, or you may use it as a resource to create your own, more creative profile.  Feel free to create your own FB profile on blank computer paper or a posterboard.

The sections of the Facebook page are:  

Informacion personal (Personal Information)

Nombre: Name
Cumpleaños: Birthday
Origen: Origin (Where you are from)
Escuela: Your school
Sobre yo: About me 
     - In this section, you will write 2 complete Spanish sentences.  Tell how old you are, and where you live.

Sobre Mis... (About my...)

Musicas favoritas: Favorite music.  List a few of your favorite musical genres or artists (English OK)
Peliculas favoritas: Favorite movies.  List a few of your favorite movies (English OK

Caracteristicas fisicas: Physical characteristics
     - For this section, write 3 complete sentences in Spanish telling about your appearance.  Each sentence will have 2 adjectives in it.
     - The first 2 sentences should begin with, "I am".  The third sentence will begin with, "I have".

Personalidad: Personality
     - For this section, you will write 3 more complete sentences in Spanish telling about your personality.  
     - Sentence 1: Tell about how you are.  Pick 3 adjectives that describe your personality.  Sentence should begin with, "I am."
     - Sentence 2: Tell about how you are NOT.  Pick 2 adjectives that describe the opposite of your personality.  Sentence should begin with, "No soy."
     - Sentence 3: Tell about how you are SOMETIMES.  Pick 1 adjective that describes how you are on occasion   Sentence should begin with, "A veces, yo soy."

El Muro: Wall

     - On your Facebook wall, 3 friends have commented your latest status!  You say, "¡Hola!  ¿De dónde eres?  ¿Cómo eres?  ¿Qué tomas a la escuela?"
     - In the boxes below your status, pick 3 friends to comment on your questions.  In the stamp-size boxes in the top left corner of those boxes, write their names.  Then, have them answer your questions.  
     - Each person will say where they are from, describe themselves, and say what classes they take at school.
     - Your 3 friends should all be from different places.  They should pick 2 different adjectives to describe themselves, and they should take different classes at school.  Please vary up your answers!!

If you have any questions throughout the weekend, please email me at:  Below, I have attached photos of my example from today in class.

PS: DON'T FORGET YOUR TEST CORRECTIONS!  Due Monday, corrections on different sheet of paper than your test :)

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