Friday, November 1, 2013

Extra Credit Opportunity!

Buenos dias a todos!

Chicos, here is an extra credit opportunity for the weekend!  El Mercadito in southeast Memphis is the setting for the festivities this year for El dia de los Muertos!

I will be there at the ofrenda by El Centro Cultural Latino de Memphis.  If you come to the event, please come say hello!  This will earn you 10 extra credit points and a bunch of new, exciting cultural knowledge about Mexico y el dia de los muertos!

The flyer is below.  El Mercadito is located at 3766 Ridgeway Road.

Saturday's festivities are from 1-5pm.  This is the showcase showing all of the altars made by people from around Memphis.

Sunday is the main festival and it is from 3-8pm.  This is the day you will want to see!  There will be music, dance, theater, and much more.  I hope to see you all this weekend!

-Srta Shannon

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