Thursday, November 21, 2013

Project Alert!!!! Mi Horario

Hola, chicos!!!  The time has come for a project!  We will be showing our smarts next week with a major project describing our class schedules.  This project has visual, written, and spoken parts.  Here are the criteria:

El Proyecto: Mi Horario - 100 pts.
Visual project - 20 pts.
Spoken project - 40 pts.
Written project - 40 pts.

***Note!  The spoken part of this project is an oral presentation.  This will be done on Mon-Tues, Nov. 25-26***

You are studying abroad in Bogota, Colombia.  Your Spanish teacher asks you to create a visual project describing your school schedule in the US.

Visual Project:

  •    On a poster board, create a visual presentation about your school day. 
  •    Include a schedule showing the classes you take each period. 
  •    Include pictures of the subject itself as well as the two school supplies you need for each class you take. 
  •    On the poster, include the names of the class, the period you take them, and the vocabulary words for the school subjects you need.

Example of Visual Project:

  • Written project: 
  •    On separate sheet of paper, you will need to write a paragraph describing your classes at your high school in the United States.
  •    Include 1 sentence for each subject you take. 
  •    Tell which classes you have for each period. 
  •    Tell at least 2 things you need for each class. 

          Spoken Project:

  • To meet expectations…
  •    Introduce yourself!  Include: your name, where you are from, how old you are.
  •    Tell the class about your school schedule.
  •    Include all 7 periods, including class names and the hours you take them.
  •    Include the 2 school supplies you need for each class period.
  • To exceed expectations…
  •    Tell a few activities you like (or love, are bored by, are interested in) to do in your classes!

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