Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May Current Event due THIS FRIDAY! Last Current Event of the YEAR!!

Buenas tardes chicos, 

We have already arrived at the end of May! That means our monthly current event is due. 
May's current event will be 100% done online, on this blog! There are 4 current events posted from countries all around the Spanish speaking world. Please take a look at them all! 
Then, pick ONE article to comment on. 
Your comment needs to be well thought out, reflective, and interesting. 
Tell in complete English sentences what you thought about the news article, why you liked or disliked it, how it made you feel, and how it relates to your life or our class. 
You are required to comment on ONE article to get credit for this assignment. However, there are 4 articles in all, and if you decide to write about more than just the one, you will receive extra credit!

1 comment:

  1. The positive thing about thing about “The Trend for Latinos Is More U.S. Born, More Adults” is that the reason for fewer Hispanic immigrates coming to the U.S. is that jobs and better living conditions may be improving the Latin American companies.
    What I like most is the current citizens in the U.S. will have to learn the language and customs of the Hispanic and Latin American people. In the past this was not important; but now because of the buying power of the Hispanic community, small and large businesses will have to learn the language and culture if we want to do business with each other.
    What I don’t like is that because many Latino’s do not have health insurance that will place a large cost and burden on other tax payers. Overall, diversity will be good for me during my years at Cordova High School because it will expose me to a different culture, new ideas and new friends. Also, the City of Memphis will be viewed as a more diverse city to people from outside of our city.
    Justin Williams (With the help of his father)
