Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Peru Cracks down on Wildcat Miners

Click the link for the whole story with pictures!

Peru Cracks down on Wildcat Miners


  1. I think the Riot police are within their rights to destroy the illegal mines. However, I do think they should give the miners a chance to get legal before destroying their gold mining machinery. I liked this article because it showed that people are fighting for justice all over the world. When people break the law, they should be punished or held accountable for their actions. However, I do feel sad for the miners because I think they were only trying to make money to support their families. The pictures were amazing!

  2. I have a mixed comment/opinion about this article. I think the police and the soldiers shouldn't have the right to demolish the miners equipment. I also think that the miners should have got legal permission from their government first, so they could mine with no problem. But I don't think the government should allow the miners mine because its causing an environment to be destroyed and polluted.

  3. I also have mixed feelings with this article. Of course don't think its right what the polices are doing to the people equipment and the belongings of the people.I believe its causing a lot of damage to the water. And will soon lead to pollution. The minors should get legal permission, but for all we know maybe they couldn't. We don't know the whole story. There too sides to everything. Joy Killebrew 4th peiod

  4. I thought the police and soldiers shouldn't have destroyed their equipment, they destroyed the homes and everything for the miners. They could have evicted them and caused less trouble and pollution for the air and lakes, which also would've been better. They didn't have to go so extreme with it but I see their reasoning, it just looked like they went a little overboard. -Kimberly Wagner 6th period

  5. I feel like the police force were just doing there job. However, I still feel like they didn't have to be so aggressive and destroy the mines, even though they were illegal. I like this article because it was informative.
    -Courtney Little 6th period

  6. The police, although it is their job to do it, really shouldn't of destroyed their equipment. However, they still should of driven the miners out of the areas they are mining in so they do not hurt the environment any further.

  7. i believe that the police was doing they job, but they could of moved the legal miners out of the area before they started the crackdown. Also they could of been carefull of destroying some of the people property Marvis Adams 6th period

  8. I think they should have not have destroyed the equipment. Its was wrong for them to destroy it cause they needed it to mine. They could have asked they miners to leave and don't come back. If they did come back then they have a better reason to destroy it. I feel they should have gotten a warning before they took further action. Cedric Carter 7th period

  9. i believe the police was doing there job . but they did not have to go that far they could have just destroyed the equipment. - jordaun gaines 5p

  10. I think that the authorities are being fair as letting the miners become legal but as well they are still doing there job by telling them to stop the illegal mining

  11. I feel that the police did there job but it wasn't necessary. Those were less fortunate people out there trying to feed there family. If it was illegal to mine why didn't they block the area. The goverment have all this extra finances to do unnecessary things build a giant bubble or wall to secure the area. But i don't like what they did as you can tell, but i guess they were just doing there jobs.

  12. This was an interesting article because it gave two views regarding the feelings of the police and miners. The police views were they wanted safe and lawful minds which regulations needed to be followed. The miners were trying to make a living regardless of safety or rules. Both sides felt the had good reason for their actions.
