Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Trend for Latinos Is more US-Born, More Adults

The Trend for Latinos Is More U.S.-Born, More Adults: Pew Report

More and more U.S.-born Hispanics are entering adulthood, the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project reported Tuesday.
At this point some 800,000 U.S.-born Hispanics enter adulthood annually and in coming decades it will be more than a million annually, the center reported.

That acceleration is happening as a slowdown in Hispanic immigration is occurring and is being outpaced by Latino births. About as many people from Mexico are leaving the U.S. as they are entering.

In the decade from 2000 to 2010, there were 9.6 million Hispanic births in the U.S., while the number of newly arrived Hispanic immigrants was 6.5 million. In the two decades preceding, immigration had been the driver of Latino population growth.

Latinos are the largest minority group, 17 percent of the U.S. population, and the population's numbers are expected to grow to 129 million by 2060, with Hispanics making up 31 percent of the population by then. Hispanics can be of any race.

Additional findings from Pew’s analysis of the 2012 American Community Survey data were: Though California and Texas still have the largest number of Hispanics, the five states with the fastest growing Latino populations from 2000 to 2012 were: Tennessee (up 163 percent); South Carolina (161 percent); Alabama (157 percent); Kentucky (135 percent) and South Dakota (132 percent).

About 70 percent of immigrant children between 5 and 17 say they speak only English or speak English very well. But about a third of immigrant adults say they speak only English or speak English very well.

A larger share of Hispanics are remaining single, with 37 percent ages 18 and older never marrying in 2012, compared to 27 percent in 2000. The percentage of households with 5 or more people has fallen from 31 percent in 2000 to 26 percent in 2012.

About 48 percent of native-born Latino households are owner-occupied, compared to 44 percent of immigrant Latino households.

Some 29 percent of Latinos did not have health insurance in 2012, more than any other group. There is variation though - only 18 percent of native-born Hispanics lacked insurance, compared to 49 percent of foreign-born Latinos and 61 percent of non-citizen immigrant Hispanics.
--Suzanne Gamboa


  1. I believe that Latinos come to the U.S because they have more opportunities and more work in the U.S like any other race. The U.S has a better way of living. I do think that many Latinos that were born in the U.S can speak English well then Latinos born out of the U.S.

  2. I Considered That Latinos Have Better Opportunities In The US , They Have Really Better Work Ethic Than The People Who Live In The US

  3. I think latinos think they have more opportunities even though we dont think we do. Most of us wants to move from Memphis because they want better jobs.

  4. I feel it is good that the Latino population is growing as it will produce more diversity in the United States and as they become less of a minority they will become even better accepted into society.

  5. - Taylor Liggines (3rd period)

    I thought this article was really interesting. I feel this way because I had no idea that it is that many Latinos living in the U.S.. I liked this article because it taught me something i knew nothing about. I don't think this story relates to my personal life other than just having somethig to read because I like to read. But it does relate somewhat into my Spanish class. I think it relates because when it said adelescents ages 5-17 speak only English or speak it very well, most of us in my Spanish class only speak English or can't speak Spanish "very well".

  6. I think that the Latinos would have better opportunities here. Cedric Carter 7th period

  7. I Believe Latinos are the future of America. They come to America willing to work unlike Some Americans that's already here. They actually have goals in life. They excel in there goals. They will put America in the right direction. -Eric Dean 7thperiod

  8. I thought this was an interesting article. I didn't know that the number of U.S. born Hispanics is projected to be more than a million annually. So, what does this mean to the people living in the U.S.? I think it means we should learn to speak Spanish as well as English. The people in my age group speak English better, but their parents still speak Spanish better. I think English and Spanish should be taught to students of all ages in the schools.

  9. Kel Nesbitt- 7th Period: I never understood why so many Latinos and Mexicans move to the United States. I always assumed that everything was fine in the areas that they lived in. But now I think I know why they move. Things aren't the same and "free" everywhere. We have more freedom here that we aren't grateful for. But I have to think of the total pain and changes they have to make to move here. Latino children are speaking English everyday here and eventually only understand English but when they come around their grandparents and uncles and aunties who only speak Spanish, they can't even keep a conversation going because they don't understand each other...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Myself being a Mexican-American, I'm amazed at the statistics of how many latinos are coming into the U.S. For one I think good for them because in alot of the countries in Mexico.. they live in a box where they can't think past the box.. I feel like if they were to come here they would experience different things and see new people.. Plus they may be getting away from alot of dangers going on down there like La Familia, or Los Zetas.. Also ,even though there are many Spanish speaking parents having children who are brought up in the U.S only learning how to speak English, they shouldn't forget about their own culture. They should become fluent spanish speakers as well..

  12. Reginald Guy 7th period: me being in a different race i kinda wanted to know what different go through and what are they're culture like. i think that latina coming to america is a great thing. it will give the latinas a new life to start over in america. i also think latina will have better coices and job here as well.

  13. This was a very informative article. I did not know that Hispanics could be any race. I also did not know that the percentage was so high. I understand why many only speak English or speak it well because it is what they are exposed to by going to school and having friends who only speak English.

  14. I think it is interesting that more latinos enter adulthood in the U.S. I love the hispanic culture. I would like to see more of it in America. I know a lot hispanics. Now they know they have a place in the U.S.

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