Saturday, December 14, 2013

Current Event 3: Cuba

Obama Shakes Hands With Cuba's Raul Castro

It was the briefest of moments, just seconds, two presidents shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries amid a gaggle of world leaders together to honor the late Nelson Mandela.
It would hardly have been noteworthy, except the men locking hands in Johannesburg were Barack Obama and Raul Castro, whose nations have been mired in Cold War antagonism for more than five decades.
A single, cordial gesture is unlikely to wash away bad blood dating back to the Eisenhower administration. But in a year that has seen both sides take small steps at improving the relationship, the handshake stoked talk of further rapprochement.
"On the one hand you shouldn't make too much of this. Relations between Cuba and the United States are not changing tomorrow because they shook hands," said Geoff Thale, a Cuba analyst at the Washington Office on Latin America, a U.S.-based think tank.
He contrasted the moment to a 2002 development summit where then-Mexican President Vicente Fox asked Fidel Castro to leave to avoid having him in the same room as U.S. President George W. Bush.
"What's really striking here is the contrast," Thale said. "It's a modestly hopeful sign, and it builds on the small steps that they're taking."
Not everyone was so happy about it.
"Sometimes a handshake is just a handshake, but when the leader of the free world shakes the bloody hand of a ruthless dictator like Raul Castro, it becomes a propaganda coup for the tyrant," said Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban-American congresswoman from Florida who until January 2013 was chairwoman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Obama and Castro's encounter was the first of its kind between sitting U.S. and Cuban presidents since Bill Clinton and Fidel shook hands at the U.N. in 2000.
It came as Obama greeted a line of world leaders on his way to the podium for a speech at the memorial.
Obama also had a cheek-kiss for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. The two have clashed over reports the National Security Agency monitored her communications, leading the Brazilian leader to shelve a state trip to the U.S. earlier this year.
In another potentially uneasy exchange, Obama briefly greeted Afghan President Hamid Karzai, whose refusal to sign a security agreement with the U.S. before year's end has irritated the administration.
Obama adviser Ben Rhodes said the handshakes were not planned in advance and didn't involve any substantive discussion. "The president didn't see this as a venue to do business," he told reporters traveling back to Washington aboard Air Force One.
By shaking Castro's hand, Obama sent a message of openness that echoes a speech he gave at a Democratic fundraiser in Miami last month.
"We have to continue to update our policies," he said then. "Keep in mind that when (Fidel) Castro came to power, I was just born. So the notion that the same policies that we put in place in 1961 would somehow still be as effective as they are today in the age of the Internet and Google and world travel doesn't make sense."
As president, Obama has lifted limits on how often Cuban-Americans can visit family back on the island, and how much they can send home in remittances. He also reinstated "people-to-people" cultural exchange tours to Cuba. The result is more than a half-million U.S. visitors to the island each year.


  1. It's great that Obama is trying to put peroxide on the wound of these two countries long lasting foreign relation feud. I believe shaking hands will definately not make everything better. But it's a step forward in telling them that " Were cool". He's letting half a million americans visit cuba. Even though they both share bad blood with each other. Great Job Barack. Rohan Myton-6th period

  2. i like how obama is trying to kill the beef between two countries...but even if thy shake hands...there wil still be things going on.

  3. WOW! I saw some of the ceremony for Nelson Mandela on TV and it was amazing. To read that the President of the United States shook hands with Cuba's Raul Castro was surprising. But, I guess it was the polite thing to do. Our relationship with Cuba goes back to the Eisenhower Administration. Maybe a simple handshake can be the start of mending the bad blood between the United States and Cuba. Not likely HUH! President Obama is trying to mend the bridge with Cuba, by lifting limits on how often Cuban Americans can visit family back on the island and how much they can send home in remittances. We as Spanish Learners need to pay attention to politics, so that we are aware of what is going on with our Government. The next time someone shakes your hand, think about what it really means.

  4. Its good that Obama wants to seal the wound between the two but at the same time you have to realize anyone can put on a smiling face and still feel some way about them. Not everyone is loyal to their words.
    -Nitia Hawthorne

  5. its great that obama is tring to hlep other places

  6. Maybe its a start, or maybe it was nothing but education & manners. But just like in the article it compares and contrasts both president Obama & dictator Raul Castro the word "dictator" says it all. Since it was unplanned sometimes things happen, and shaking hands happened. To many things have happened between the U.S & Cuba for one quick unplanned handshake to break the ice between us.

    (((Rebeca G.
    7th Periodd))))

  7. I don't think President Obama and Dictator Raul Castro are friends because they shook hands but it is a big step to resolving the friction and disagreements between the two countries.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A lot been going on between Cuba and The Us and Obama finally realized that a change needed to happen , Its still going to be disagreements and etc but the main problem is resolved.

  10. As a country we get so upset about so many things. If we are trying to bridge a very big gap shaking hands a great start. I saw no problem with them shaking hands and happy that he was polite regardless of what our countries have been through.
