Saturday, December 14, 2013

Extra Credit Opportunity: FINALS WEEK!

Hola chicos!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.  The final extra credit opportunity for the first semester is here.  This EC opportunity will only be available until Thursday, December 19.

Right after this post, I will include 4 current events.  These are news stories are about the Spanish-speaking world.  Your extra credit opportunity is to read the article, then post a comment on it.

To comment on the article, click the like that says how many comments there are on the article.  In order to add your name, select "Open ID" in the "Comment As" drop down menu.  In the blank space that says, "Enter your comment," begin typing.  Remember your comment must be 4-5 sentences long!

Please include:
 - your name
 - your period
 - 4-5 sentences in English commenting on the article.  Comment on what the article is about, why it is important to us as Spanish learners, and students/citizens of the world.


PS -
Concerning grades, they will be posted by Monday afternoon.  Monday is THE LAST DAY to turn in ANY late or missing work from the semester!  I will not accept work after Monday.  Please make sure to turn in anything you have from this semester!!!

Gracias, chicos!  Enjoy your weekend.

Srta. Shannon

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