Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Homework for the Week of Dec 2 - Dec 6, 2013

Hola, chicos!  

Here is our two-part homework assignment.

Prompt:  "You are Skyping with a student from Chile who is planning to spend a semester in school in Memphis. She has asked you about your school and your classes. Tell her about your school day and describe five of your classes and two of your teachers for her."

Tuesday, 3 December, 2013:

- Write 7 total sentences describing your classes and teachers.
- 5 sentences:  Describe your classes. Tell how you feel about them AND WHY!  Don't forget to use porque.  Describe 5 different classes with one sentence each.
- 2 sentences:  Describe 2 of your teachers.  Pick 2 teachers to describe, tell which class you have them for.

Wednesday, 4 December, 2013:

Google Voice!  Call our Google Voice number at 901-300-6836.

Leave a message for Emilia, your Skype pal.  Tell her about your 5 classes and 2 teachers.  Use your written script from Tuesday!

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